Frequently Asked Questions:
Q.) How do I clock my child in?
A.) All parents are required to download the Brightwheel App. This app will allow you to check your child in/out with a touch of a button. QR codes are located on the doors, at each classroom, and the A-frame signs. If you are having trouble with the app loading, please connect to our guest wifi. Information on how to do this is located outside the office and in the daycare.
Q.) When is my contract for daycare due?
A.) All contracts are due on the Wednesday before care is needed. You may hand it in, email it, or fax it. Late fees go into effect at 12:00pm on Thursday.
Q.) When is my payment due?
A.) Payment is due the week before care is needed. Your contract is your bill. Please pay your total due when you turn your contract in. ALL billing questions are to be directed to Emily Hall at: billing.ccdcrocks@yahoo.com. WE DO NOT USE THE BILLING FEATURE THROUGH BRIGHTWHEEL. PLEASE DISREGARD ALL BILLING EMAILS THAT COME FROM BRIGHTWHEEL. THERE IS CURRENTLY NO WAY TO TURN OFF THIS NOTIFICATION OTHER THAN TO UNSUBSCRIBE IN THE EMAIL.
Q.) When is preschool tuition due?
A.) Preschool tuition is due on the first of each month. Late fees will go into effect if not paid within 7 days.
Q.) How can I pay for preschool or daycare?
A.) You may pay by credit card (website), cash (must be in a CCDC envelope filled out), or a check (provide the week you’re paying for in the memo section).
Q.) What do I need to bring for daycare?
Labeled back pack with labeled extra clothes: underwear, socks, shorts/pants, shirts, pair of shoes.
Small blanket for rest time. Small pillows and crib sheets are allowed.
Water bottle (labeled with child's name).
Family photo for our picture wall.
Q.) What do I need to bring for preschool?
Labeled back pack with labeled extra clothes: underwear, socks, shorts/pants, shirts, pair of shoes.
Water bottle (labeled).
Preschool folder (provided by CCDC) must be brought back daily.
Family photo for our picture wall.
Q.) May I bring food in for my child?
A.) No. CCDC provides breakfast, 2 snacks, and lunch. If your child has severe allergies, please provide us with a note from your child’s doctor. Weekly menus can be found on our website under the menu tab. We are a peanut free facility.
Q.) What happens if my child is ill and cannot come to school?
A.) Please message your teacher on the Brightwheel app. Please provide us with the symptoms your child is having. We are required to report any illness to the Shiawassee County Health Department every week. Even if your child is NOT ill, please message the teacher so they may plan for the day.
Q.) What happens if I am late picking up my child?
A.) Please message the Brightwheel app letting us know you will be late. You will be charged a late pick up fee if picked up after your contracted time.
Q.) How do I get a key card?
A.) ANYONE dropping off or picking up your child MUST have a key card. You may come to the office and buy your key card for $10 (cash only). You will receive your $10 back when you return your card undamaged. If you are buzzing in you will be given a key card and we will charge your account a $10 non refundable fee.
Q.) Where do I get the 'Health Appraisal' forms for the Dr?
A.) You may find them on our website under the forms tab. These are due within 30 days of your child's start date. Please have your primary physician fill out and sign this form. These are to be done every year. You may turn them in or have them faxed to CCDC at (989)723-6668.
Q.) Do the children go outside if it has rained, snowed, or otherwise?
A.) It is required by licensing that all children go outside twice a day. We will NOT go out if it is 20 degrees or below zero (with windchill). We will NOT go outside if it is raining DURING outside time. Preschool will begin their day outside until the weather gets colder, then they will begin their day in the classroom.
Q.) Where are the classroom Wish Lists?
A.) You can find the classrooms and office Wish Lists on each webpage under the Parent Portal tab.
Q.) Do I still get MY Kroger points if I add CCDC to my Kroger Plus account?
A.) YES. This will not effect your gas points in any way. This will just help us earn money for special supplies.
Q.) If my child is in the Daycare/School Age or Toddler room, how do I get my new credit coupons?
A.) ALL credit coupons are available in the office. All parents must sign for them. Credit coupons are only for families who have children in our daycare/toddler/school age. You are responsible for your coupons. If they become lost, we do not replace them.
Q.) Where do I find my child's folder?
A.) School age folders are located inside the gym. Toddler folders are located outside the toddler room door. Preschool folders are located outside of the classroom doors. Daycare folders are located at the ends of the lockers on the wall. Please check your child's folder EACH DAY. Your child's folder contains important and often time sensitive materials.
Frequently Asked Brightwheel Questions:
Q,) How do I find my check in code?
Log into your Brightwheel app.
Choose the three horizontal lines in the top left corner.
Choose EDIT PROFILE under your profile picture.
Then scroll to the bottom to see your Check-in Code
Q.) How do I change my check-in code?
Tap the EDIT icon next to your check-in code.
You will see a red-orange screen with your current code displayed.
Enter a new 4-digit code.
If your code matched that or another staff or parent, a warning message will be shown. *You can still save and use that code but it is not recommended.*
Once you enter a unique code, tap the SAVE button.
Please Note: If your check-in code is not unique, you will be required to enter the last four digits of your phone number to verify your account before completing a check-in.*
Q.) How do I send/view a message to my child’s teacher?
Navigate to the student’s PROFILE.
Tap the MESSAGE icon under the child’s picture in iOS, top right hand corner on Android.
Select your message type General, Late Drop Off, Late Pick Up, Early Pick Up, or Absent.
Add the message text and tap send.
Q.) Does CCDC use Brightwheel billing?
A.) CCDC DOES NOT use all of Brightwheel billing. We do keep track of contracted hours, payments, credits, etc in the billing portion. We do not allow parents to make payments through Brightwheel. Brightwheel charges the parents a high processing fee to use their payment system. As a church, we use a payment system that DOES NOT charge parents a processing fee. You can make your payments through our website, we then get sent a receipt where we go in and input it into your account on Brightwheel.
Q.) How do I get notifications from Brightwheel?
First, go into your phone settings and make sure you have allowed Brightwheel to send you Push Notifications.
Next open up the Brightwheel app.
Tap on the three lines in the upper left-hand corner.
Tap Settings and choose Notifications.
Toggle on/off push notifications for each update the that you prefer or for all notifications.
Tap Save
Q.) Why am I receiving billing emails from Brightwheel?
A.) As of now, Brightwheel sends out emails anytime a charge is posted to your child’s account. Unfortunately, we are unable to turn this option off. We have been in contact with Brightwheel and they are looking to make a on/off option for those emails. In the meantime, you can scroll to the bottom of the email and click the unsubscribe button. *Please Remember: If you owe money, or there is a problem with your account, Emily will email you from our billing email: billing.ccdcrocks@yahoo.com.
Q.) How do I view my child’s classroom calendar?
CCDC inputs all important dates into the Brightwheel calendar.
Tap on your child’s Profile.
Tap on the calendar icon.
You will then be able to view all events.
Q.) How do I view my child’s lesson plans for the week?
CCDC classrooms input their lesson plans each week for the parents to view.
Tap on your students profile.
Tap Learning to the right of the calendar icon.
Select the day and lesson to view more details.
Q.) What is the difference between All Staff & Parents or Admin & Parents?
All Staff & Parents: When you choose this option you are sending a message to the classroom. This is where all the teachers and admins can see the message. This would be a great spot for "How is my child doing?" or "I'm going to be picking them up early."
Admins & Parents: Choosing this option ONLY sends the message to Lisa or Emily. This is a great spot for more private matters that you may not want all the staff to know about.